Mail-Merge Data Preparation

In this post, I am going to show you how to prepare a data set for a mail-merge using Power Query.

Why would you need this?

Whether it is a hard-copy merge or an e-mail merge, the first request is that the recipient only receives one report or e-mail. That is to say, it is aggregated. If you have ever attempted to create a mail-merge, you probably quickly realized that this is not easy.

Sample data, based off the Property Management ‘Inventory Reports’, to be ‘e’-mail-merged. The Table is named ‘MergeTable’

Normally, a mail-merge would create a document/email for each record (i.e. row). Daffy Duck would receive nine (9) e-mail’s in this case. Also, you will notice that Daffy really only has two (2) accounts.

The Goal

Our goal is create a new table that we can use as a merge data source. This table will return each manager, their e-mail, and each DeptID that they are responsible for.

A table in this format is set-up to create an aggregated e-mail merge

Power Query to manipulate the data

If you do not know how to get your data table into Power Query, read about it in this article Connect to an Excel table or range (Power Query).

Follow along with the sample TXT file below by inserting the code into the Advanced Editor in a ‘Blank Query

#1 – Remove Duplicates

In Power Query, the ‘MergeTable’ source should look like the below image. However, we do not need the duplicate records.

Source data set – ‘MergeTable’

Select the four (4) columns > Right Click > Remove Duplicates

Multi-select the 4 columns > Right Click > Remove Duplicates
Resulting table after removing duplicates

#2 – Change Data Types

This step is rather unimportant in this example as the data does not lend itself to mathematical calculations.

Select the four (4) columns > Right Click > Change Type > Text

Setting the data type to ‘Text’

#3 – Split [ManagerName]; Last,First to First Last

#4 – Combine FirstName & LastName Columns

Note that the order in which you multi-select the columns actually matters.

#5 – Combine DeptID & DeptDesc Columns

#6 – Advanced Editor, Custom Function

At this point, we have only used the interface to create all the steps in the data manipulation. Now we have to roll-up our sleeves and write a little bit of code. Here is the code we’re adding.

    AddRanking = (table, column, newColumn) =>
        Table.AddIndexColumn(Table.Sort(table, {{column, Order.Ascending}}), newColumn, 1, 1),
    #"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Merged Columns1", {"ManagerName", "Email"}, {{"Data", each _, type table}})
You will need to add a comma then change the ‘in’ statement to #”Grouped Rows”
The result of adding the above code. A new column [Data] that contains a Table.

Take a peek at what is contained within each record’s Table by selecting the cell.

Row 1 > [Data] > Table contains two records; ‘D10001-Daffy1Acct’ & ‘D10002-Daffy2Acct’

We need to add another bit of code via the Advanced Editor.

    Transformed = Table.TransformColumns(#"Grouped Rows", {{"Data", each AddRanking(_, "DeptInfo", "Rank")}}),
    #"Expand Data" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(Transformed, "Data", {"DeptInfo", "Rank"}, {"DeptInfo", "Rank"})
You will need to add a comma then change the ‘in’ statement to #”Expand Data”
The result of adding the above code. A new column [Rank].

#7 – The last bit of code

Just when you thought you were done writing code in the Advanced Editor.

#"Pivoted Column" = Table.Pivot(Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Expand Data", {{"Rank", type text}}, "en-US"), List.Distinct(Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Expand Data", {{"Rank", type text}}, "en-US")[Rank]), "Rank", "DeptInfo")

    #"Pivoted Column"
Do not forget to add that comma.

The result

The result of all the steps.

The result is a table containing ‘field names’ that you can use in the mail-merge. It may seem like a lot of work but, consider the alternative(s). Maybe, like myself, you would Copy > Paste > Transpose. I did that the first-time around 150 times in the actual data set. After that, I decided to learn how to make the computer do that for me. Hopefully, this will help you in learning and saving time.

Sample TXT File

Feeling brave? You can use TXT file below by inserting the code into the Advanced Editor in a ‘Blank Query’.

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